Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Address for correspondence: Savas Karpuz, MD. Fibromyalgia is known to affect sexual function, but the effect of frequency of sexual intercourse on fibromyalgia symptom severity is unclear. This study investigated how frequently women with fibromyalgia engaged in sexual activity affected how severe the disease was. The depression status of the participants was evaluated with the Beck Depression Inventory BDI and the mean monthly frequency of sexual intercourse in the last 3 months was noted. A hundred women with fibromyalgia with a mean Does Sex Decrease Athletic Performance of This study revealed that the frequency of sexual intercourse is low in female patients with FM and that depression is less common in women with FM who have a higher frequency of sexual intercourse. Fibromyalgia FM is a syndrome characterized by psychosomatic symptoms such as widespread chronic musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, cognitive dysfunction, dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea, headache, and gastrointestinal disorders. Although different rates are stated in different countries, its global prevalence is 2. According to neuroimaging studies, the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, the periaqueductal gray of the midbrain, the hippocampus, and the cerebellum become more active during sexual activity, especially during orgasm. Elevated plasma prolactin levels have been detected up to 60 minutes after orgasm in both men and women. Sexual activity is known to have positive effects on cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, muscle strength increase, stress and depression. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effect of frequency of sexual intercourse on disease severity in female patients with fibromyalgia. The research was designed as a cross-sectional descriptive study. Ethics committee approval was obtained for the study Dated All subjects provided written informed consent to participate in the study, which was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The study included female participants who presented to the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation outpatient clinic with complaints of widespread pain and were diagnosed with fibromyalgia in accordance with the Does Sex Decrease Athletic Performance College of Rheumatology ACR criteria. Additionally, healthy volunteers who visited the hospital as a companion without any complaints were included in the study. The study excluded people who had uncontrollable systemic disease cardiovascular, pulmonary, hepatic, renal, and hematologicalmajor psychiatric conditions, endocrine disorders, menopausal status, pregnancy, and those who were taking antihypertensive, antidepressant, anxiolytic, or antiepileptic medications. All participants had thorough physical examinations and detailed histories taken. Participants' sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were assessed using data on their age, gender, height, weight, schooling, duration of disease, employment status, and income level. The prevalence of pain was determined using the widespread pain index, the severity of the symptoms was determined using the symptom severity scale, the fibromyalgia exposure status was determined using the fibromyalgia impact questionnaire, the participants' depression status was determined using the Beck depression scale, and the mean monthly frequency of sexual intercourse in the previous three months was recorded. In our study, VAS was used to measure pain. For this, a line of 10 cm long is drawn and divided into intervals each measuring 10 mm wide. The patient was instructed to indicate on the scale, which ranged from 0 no pain to 10, the value that best represented his level of discomfort. The distance between the spot where there is no pain and the point the patient marked indicated the extent of the patient's agony. Ask about the body parts where pain has been experienced over the past week. The score is 0 to The Symptom Severity Scale is evaluated in two groups, A and B, and the total score obtained from these items is calculated. In group A, all items including fatigue, awakening from rest, cognitive findings and somatic symptoms in the last week are scored between maximum score: 9. In group B, the presence of headache, pain-cramps in the lower abdomen and depression in the last 6 months is evaluated maximum score: 3. As a result, the maximum score of SSS is It is used to evaluate both the clinical severity of the disease and the effectiveness of different treatments in FMS. FIQ contains 10 questions.
The Effect of Frequency of Sexual Intercourse on Symptoms in Women with Fibromyalgia - PMC Studies that have investigated the relationship between sleep quality and athletic performance in adolescents have reported different findings. Low-volume, high-intensity interval training (HIT) increases skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity, yet little is known regarding potential mechanisms.Progressive resistance exercise in physical therapy: a summary of systematic reviews. The attention that athletes pay to their diet should go beyond the day of a competition or match; their dietary concerns must embrace every day of their lives. A standard scale was used for mood assessment, not a structured psychiatric interview. Nutr Hosp. Although it is the players who attract the most attention in the soccer world, referees, linesmen, and other officials are of equal importance.
These results indicated that both types of exercises had positive effects on insulin resistance, per cent body fat, weight and fat-free body mass. While some studies reported that males had higher scores than males (Celik, et al., ; Karademir & Acak, ; Khan, et al., ; Solomon. Low-volume, high-intensity interval training (HIT) increases skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity, yet little is known regarding potential mechanisms. Studies that have investigated the relationship between sleep quality and athletic performance in adolescents have reported different findings.It has been reported that in adolescents, the combination of aerobic and strength exercise resulted in the loss of more fat mass The link between nutritional habits and health has concerned mankind since the origin of the earliest societies and cultures. J Strength Cond Res. Participants were informed of the objective of the study in a talk that was given in order to explain what was going to be done, and they all submitted a signed consent form that had been specially prepared for the study. Meral Küçük Yetgin 1. The participants did not have any sports experience before the study. The risk of developing depression and FM increases after a triggering event in individuals with a genetic predisposition. Although many studies looking at the effect of exercise on body composition have been published with obese adolescents, there is still no consensus in the field It may be useful to inform female patients with FM about the subject and to recommend it as a lifestyle change, especially in cases with accompanying depression. This would make sense only in cases of vitamin deficiency caused by an unbalanced diet or some particular metabolic disorder. The average age of subjects was This study was conducted using two groups in a pre-post design interventional study without a control group at the Marmara University Athletic Health Research Center, İstanbul, Turkey. Am J Lifestyle Med ; 1: Both authors read and approved the final manuscript. These results indicated that both types of exercises had positive effects on insulin resistance and per cent body fat with weight and fat-free mass stability. Similarly to the demands made of soccer players, refereeing is characterized by cycles of short, high-intensity bursts of activity, essentially sprinting, combined with lower-intensity physical effort, such as medium- or light-intensity jogging [ 8 ]. The referees and linesmen in the sample had a greater consumption of proteins than the recommendation for adults, at In respect of macro-nutrient intake, more specifically carbohydrates, the subjects consumed a diet with an insufficient amount of carbohydrates: g, as against the g REC1 or g REC2 recommended according to physical activity levels. Study of dietary habits of young sportsmen. Exercise alone reduces insulin resistance in obese children independently of changes in body composition. There were no differences that were dependent on the type of day in the percentage values, which were The normality of variables was tested by the Shapiro Wilks test. Aerobic-exercise Programmes The exercise prescription consisted of 6 months of progressive cardiovascular exercise at a local fitness centre. As already mentioned, an insufficient energy intake such that as found in the participants in the study can lead to a decrease in performance or an increase in the risk of injuries. Photographs of food models, measuring spoons, cups, bowls, and other prompts were called on to further improve the quality of the collected dietary data. Obesity ; Results Table 1 shows the characteristics of participants and their kilocalorie intakes and basal metabolic rates. Find articles by Savas Karpuz. Find articles by Ramazan Yilmaz. Experimental Protocol This study was conducted using two groups in a pre-post design interventional study without a control group at the Marmara University Athletic Health Research Center, İstanbul, Turkey. However, this does not indicate that exercise is ineffective in this regard. When the figures were broken down by type of day, the differences were not statistically significant, all of them being close to the recommended amounts. It is used to evaluate both the clinical severity of the disease and the effectiveness of different treatments in FMS.