I live in Patagonia. I was born and grew up here. During the 80s I went to Buenos Aires to study Fine Arts, but after 10 years I needed to return to this land of deserts, wind and freedom. Küçük Amcık Resim Bak the whole Argentina, this region has Küçük Amcık Resim Bak different landscapes and climates, I lives in the coast, in front of the sea, and supposes that this influences somehow in my way to see and make things. But everything has its pro and their cons, to live here also imply to be far from the great large cities Buenos Aires is km from here! I had a precious childhood here, at that time this town was a small one, all we knew each other, but not today. And it's obvious that things one sees and lives and learns in the childhood soon have effect in your adult life. And I drew! I'm not used to play games, perhaps some small Flash Games, something that doesn't demand too much time. But my work is a great nice game. It amuses me to do what I do, that's the reason to be never bored! The Beatles already said it: all you need is love! You must to love what you do. You must to love life. You must to love your dear beings. Unfortunately there are a few stupid ones governing the earth that has some deficiencies to love the life of other human beings. Benim Küçük Amcık Resim Bak bir DJ'di ve müzik marketi vardı. Ben de çok çeşitli müzikler dinleyerek büyüdüm. Gençlik dönemine gelince gerçek bir müziksever oldum ve inanılmaz derecede farklı şeyler dinleyerek kendi yolumu çizmeye başladım. Bugün ne dinlediğimi soracak olursanız yanıt vermem güç olacak çünkü sürekli değişiyor. It takes me some time to realise that illustration is the artistic form that fit my expression necessities. During many years I navigate between comics and illustration, but it's in illustration where I feel more comfortable. Now I'm rediscovering the illustration for childrens and album books. I'm astonished. It's not easy for an illustrator to work in Argentina, my money doesn't come from there, it comes from web design! Actually I'm finishing two books for children that I don't know when they will find an editorial that publishes them with respect and there's another book in creation stage! Everything helps when you're promoting what you do, comunicating with other colleagues, fans and potential clients. There's no doubt: comics are one of the great influences in my work, mainly comix underground. During the 80's I was able to publish in "Fierro", the most important comics mag from Argentina. In the 90's I participated in another important magazine called "Lápiz Japonés" and at the same time I began to give lessons of drawing related directly to comic strips, it was a wonderful experience that taked a few years. In general I like comics from individuals, not the ones originated into the American industry that produces works in series, as if they were shoes, I love those personal and crafted works, like the exquisite "RAW" of Art Spiegelman, that was printed in its own factory! I work too many hours with the computer, but also I draw with pencil, ink and paper. Now that I'm into children's illustration I am discovering that many colleagues still have certain apprehension towards works produced digitally, a structured mentality in respect to the way to approach an artistic work. Technology has opened many possibilities of expression to me, before having my first computer I used to work a lot with photocopies! It's true that artworks digitally generated lost that "unique" sense, like paintings have, but even so you can maintaining the personal touch, the distinguishing mark of each artist, and that concerns much more than the mediums used to obtain it!
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