To browse Academia. ÖZET Kentleşme süreci ve şehirler, geçmişten günümüze yapısal olarak birçok kez değişime uğramıştır. Nüfusun sürekli artması, hakim ekonomi politikaları ve güncel teknolojik gelişmeler; bu değişim sürecinin temel nedenleri arasındadır. Tüm bu etkenler bir araya gelerek, kentsel alanlarda doğal ve yapılı çevrenin uyumunu bozmakta ve çevreyi kirleterek gelecek nesillere aktarılacak olan ekosistemde sorunlara neden olmaktadır. Bu noktada planlama disiplini, kirliliğin nasıl önlenebileceğini ve kentlerin doğa ile daha uyumlu nasıl tasarlanabileceği üzerinde tartışmaya başlamıştır. Bu düşünceden yola çıkılarak eko-kent söylemi geliştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, dünyada ve Türkiye'deki eko-kent girişimi deneyimlerinin olumlu ve olumsuz yönlerinin değerlendirilmesinden bir pilot proje için yararlanılmasıdır. Bu amaçla ekolojik planlama ve ekolojik yaşanabilirlik analizi bir yerleşim üzerinden örnekleme ile açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi Kastamonu ilinin, bir Karadeniz kıyı yerleşimi olan Cide ilçesidir. Karadeniz Bölgesi'nin en uzun kumsal sahiline sahip olan Cide, aynı zamanda eşsiz bitki örtüsü ve diğer birçok doğal zenginliğe sahip milli parklar ile bütünleşen bir kenttir. Eko-kent projesi başlatılması ile Cide'nin; kendi kendine yetebilen, ekolojik olarak sürdürülebilir, ekonomik gelişmesini bu yönde kurgulamış, genç nüfusunun dış göçünü durdurmuş ve böylece benzer kentler için örnek oluşturacak bir kent olması hedeflenmiştir. The main reasons of this change are; continuous increase of population, the dominant economic policies and the current stage of technological advances in the application. All these factors come together to destabilize the natural and Bursa Ataevler Hülya Escort environment in urban areas, polluting the environment and create problems in the ecosystem, which will be transmitted to future generations. At this point planning discipline began to debate over; how the cities could Bursa Ataevler Hülya Escort more compatible with nature, how to prevent pollution. With this idea eco-city rhetoric has been developed. The purpose of this study is to determine positive and negative aspects of experience of the eco-city initiatives in the world and in Turkiye. For this purpose, study of eco-planning and ecological livability's method is determined in examples of settlement. The study sample is Cide which is Black Sea coastal settlement of Kastamonu. Cide have the longest coastline of Black Sea Region besides it is a city that is integrated with national parks, flown in the stream, had with unique vegetation and had many other natural Bursa Ataevler Hülya Escort. With eco-city project initiation it is aimed that Cide as a city, quite self-sufficient, ecologically sustainable, with an economic development has proceeded in this manner, halting out-migration of youth, and will be set an example for other applications. CUI '22 X. A rapid and worldwide migration from rural areas to cities has started after the industrial revolution. Immigration pressure has mostly emerged as a problem of rapid urbanization and housing shortage. Additionally, rapid and intense construction, which was offered as a solution to housing needs, caused cities to grow uncontrollably due to wars and natural disasters. Particularly in Turkey, in the s, with the increasing immigration to cities, unlicensed construction and zoning amnesties cause the macroform of cities to spread unprecedentedly. With the effect of globalization, the use of urban space and lifestyles have begun to differentiate. Therefore, the traditional urban texture has begun to change in the urban space. Urban transformation applications in our country have been recently suggested as a solution to these and similar problems. Urban regeneration is a comprehensive project allowing problematic urban environments to be brought back to the city, restore the impaired social, economic and environmental balance, reach safe investment opportunities and be introduced in a multi-participatory and coordinated manner. Today, these projects are mostly handled as the organization of physical space by focusing on real estate with the approach of value increase and sharing, but it is seen that the dimensions of social development, economic development, and environmental and ecological sustainability are ignored respectively. As the results of these practices have been discussed in the recent years, it is claimed that an approach that does not consider sustainable approaches in the resource use negatively affects urban life comfort, human psychology, and health. This study aims to reveal the criteria necessary for the management of urban transformation projects at the planning stage in the axis of urban morphology approach by morphologically addressing the city parts reconstructed after urban transformation practices in the context of sustainability. Hence, the Mehmet Akif Ersoy neighborhood in Yenimahalle district of Ankara, the Capital City where the settlement pattern has changed Bursa Ataevler Hülya Escort as an urban transformation project was analyzed, and the effect of the transformation on the new urban texture was analyzed in two parts. In the first part of the study, the area transformed from a shanty house to a gated community was examined and discussed in the context of ecological and socio-cultural life from a morphological point of view. Therefore, the urban texture before and after the intervention, effective use of climate and natural resources by passive design strategies have been analyzed with 3D Sun-Path software that was used to examine concepts that suitable location selection and orientation, structuring style, street orientation, and landscaping. The transformation in the urban blocks and street patterns, and changes in building densities were revealed with the morphological analysis. Moreover, the spatial syntax analysis method was performed with the depth map software where the continuity of the urban space by determining the differentiating spatial relations, connectivity, integration, choice, and intelligibility analyzes were carried out. In the second part of the study, the aim was to conduct a survey study on the effect of transformation on perception, especially in the newly formed texture due to the limitation of public access. Finally, the data obtained were interpreted accordingly. This study reflects the information generated at the first stage where the concepts of social and environmental sustainability are considered as the most important criterion rather than economic issues in the urban transformation process. To cite this article: Kocabas, A. The purpose of this paper is to examine a municipally sponsored urban transformation project in the Tarlabaşı neighbourhood of central Istanbul, Republic of Turkey, the first modern urban area of the city, for its effects on the historic, social, cultural and economic sustainability of the city. The study examines the year history of the neighbourhood and its most recent social and physical conditions prior to the transformation project which is currently under way.
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